Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cotton Eyed Tom And His Merry Band of 47 Assholes

It has recently come out that Tom Cotton a recently elected Republican from Arkansas (full disclosure I spent my active duty career in Little Rock.) Has decided to write a letter to the Iranian government warning them that any deal with the Executive branch could be null and void at any time. Now normally one letter from one man wouldn't be such a big deal but since nearly half the U.S. Senate decided to sign on to this letter, it's become quite absurd. Never in the history of our country have we had another branch of government write a foreign government and advise them to not work with a sitting President. Also might I add a government that has been an adversary of ours for quite some time.

I get it, really Obama derangement syndrome is a serious disorder and for people like Tom Cotton it's more important that treating PTSD, the homeless veteran crisis or the post 9/11 veteran suicide rate that continues to skyrocket.  It's funny that Tom Cotton who is a veteran, thinks that another middle eastern war is the way to go, I mean maybe he didn't experience what I did, but if I was in his position as a veteran I would do everything in my power to avoid war. I guess it was more important to meet with defense contractors immediately after writing that letter, just to prove how 'Murican he is. As a society we have become obsessed with war and killing each other, though military recruitment rates have been down for nearly ten years, it hasn't stopped those who continue to beat the drum for more war. He'll republicans couldn't even pass a veterans jobs bill just because President Obama wanted it. We clearly are living in the Twilight Zone.

All over social media they've been calling these 47 members of the Senate traitors, all I know is that it has never been done before in American history. To undermine foreign policy just because you can't win a presidential election just shows how far these tea baggers will go. I find it extremely insulting because it just shows how much of a moron Tom Cotton is, I mean hell maybe he just doesn't understand the chain of command. Or better yet I can guarantee that the man probably has no grasp of civics or how government actually works, that's what the tea party does; they push out candidates who have no clue how government works and expect them to cripple for their backers special interests.

Tom Cotton should be using his status as a veteran to help the rest of us, he should be screaming to his colleagues in the republican party that the needs of veterans outweigh the needs of special interests of chicken hawks. Veterans are poor, jobless and killing themselves all while Cotton Eyed Tom writes his letter pushing for more war and making veterans reform that much more unattainable. It's not easy being a war veteran and Tom Cottons letter and meeting with defense contractors is a slap in the face to all of that have sacrificed our time, family, friends, interests and ultimately lives serving this nation. War needs to be the last resort not the first one and then try to use diplomacy afterwards, and if you still cannot be swayed to use diplomacy first; please just try to remember what it was like to serve during the Iraq War.

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